Hello! I'm Janell.
''wait,'' you say,
"Who's Madison?"
I am! My name is Janell Madison.
Janell can be spelled too many ways to be part of a business name, but Madison?
Easy peasy.
I'm glad you are here! A little about me.
I am a wife, mom, and dog mom. I've been married for 28 years. Our kids are adults,
and working from home is a dream come true!
I love to read and paint (it's a toss-up which one I like more..), and I discovered
a few years back, I was more creative than I ever knew.
That brings me to now!
Let me create for you.
Are you a bride-to-be without time to make or mail your invitations?
Are you a nonprofit and unsure how I can help, but you need help?
Are you a business and you don't have time for marketing?
Do you struggle with writing copy?
Do you have a love/hate relationship with social media?
CLICKS by Madison, LLC, can help! I am experienced and care about my clients
and the products I create for them.
Let's talk. Just email or click.